Archive for April, 2008


Someone is stealing my identity!!

There is an imposter who is using my photo & my first name to start a profile in FACEBOOK. The name of the profile is "Cindy Ling"

I don’t know to laugh or cry. KNN, I never knew that I am so goddamn chio until some pathetic asshole needs to "steal" my picture to use.

This fucker (regardless whether it’s a he or she) must be either kan si lang hideous looking or perhaps is born deformed, or maybe it got face that resembled a piece of melted cheese on cow dung!!

Please delete her if do not know her. If she is your personal friend, tell her to get her own photo, as well as



** (action) 90 degree bow


Thank you very much.











BTW, I only have ONE profile in FACEBOOK. It is purely for people that I truly know & I will not simply add any ah neow or ah kow that I do not know!


Real Women, Real Sizes

Recently someone told me I look like the female lead of the Korean drama, 青蛙王子拜金女. This was the second time, I was told to resemble Korean actress. Sometimes back, someone also had commented that I look like another Korean actress from the show, 我叫金三顺.Jin_san_shun









Of coz, I was thrilled initially, thinking that I look like some gorgeous Korean pop stars. However when I finally caught the shows, then I started to realize… the similarities between me and them are:

1) They are women in their 30s = lao chai bor!

2) Big in size = FAT lao eh pui chai bor!!

3) Real women, who are candid in characters = lao pui chai bor who kan chor wei, if u pissed her off!!!


Hmm… don’t seem very flattering after all leh…    -_-”

But then I think again, WTF, I am not petite and most likely NEVER gonna be, so why try so hard to fit into something I am not right. I might as well just celebrate the fact for who I am.

Yes! I am not slim but I am BEAUTIFUL and what about you?…

There are so many women out there, who never felt beautiful all their lives. They might be slim or dying to be slim… some even literally dying. But being slim don’t necessary equals to being pretty.

She is kan si lang slim just skin & bones… so is she beautiful?

Anorexia_billboard .





Yes, beauty can be very subjective. We can all argue until the cows come home and yet not come to a conclusion, who is beautiful & who isn’t.


Dsc01731Bottom-line is, I am a REAL WOMAN of REAL SIZE. & I wouldn’t give a fuck about what you might say of my enormous waistline or my thunderous thighs!



PS: FYI, the love rivals of both 金三顺 & 吴秀晶,  were really slim, but guess who won the hearts of their guys in the end.


A Tribute to My Girlfriends

Don’t kick me on the butt, ok, I admit I have been procrastinating for the longest time, to update my blog. To my friends out there, who have relentlessly rely on my blog to know my whereabouts, my life &/or death. I AM OK LAH!! Just that pure laziness took over me.

I am atypical kind of people to befriend with. For a start, I don’t like to chat on the phone. I don’t know how to take the initiative to ask people out (but if you ask me out, I would usually not turn you down). When I misses a friend, I won’t send out those mushy yet rather meaningless type of SMS. The closest I get to being pro-active in keeping contact, probably is thru MSN, FB or this blog of mine. Call me techno-savvy. LOL!!

Well, to all my dear friends. ALL OF YOU ARE ‘KAN’ IMPORTANT TO ME! It’s just not me to put things in perspective. My fault, I know.

Or maybe it was that bad experience with a girlfriend in school that had me crippled with the lingering taste of betrayal. Here’s the tale:

"She was a popular girl in school, I was more like her sidekick. She was my so-called BFF then. I hung out with her in school all the time, sometimes even after school and during the weekends. We had our differences, but I had always respected her and gave in to her. Then she did the unthinkable, she secretly dated my then boyfriend behind my back and when I found out, I left the guy but kept our friendship. Although I knew she seduced her way to get that guy, I was adamant about not letting a male specie come between us. She wasn’t very thankful though. Then came a time when I did way better than her in a science paper (I usually sucks with tests/exams when compared to her), she threw into a frenzy. She started spreading rumor that I plotted her "failure" by misleading her to study for other subjects. And she led a fraction of my class to boycott me."

It was like "what the fuck is wrong with this bitch?!", luckily I stopped seeing her when we graduated. For quite some time, I only dare chilled out with guys from my neighborhood, coz I concluded that girls were either too vindictive for me to handle or they are just darn evil, so I stayed away.

Then I met these bunch of non-venomous girls in poly, whom gave me to courage to want girlfriends back into my life again. And down the road, I met many more great girlfriends for me to believe that there are a lot more genuinely nice girls out there and I should get over the post-trauma of that ex-BFF .

Today, let me honor these girlfriends of mine who had been around for 10 long years or more, of my life.THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE! I LOVE YOU ALL.


So demoralized!

Finding clothes to wear to work has become my week-daily chore… so far I had only managed to squeeze into 2 of my work pants and those waist-less dresses!!

I am seriously running out of stuff to wear. -_-”

5 more kgs to go…

FUCK! I think I said that many weeks ago, and it is still 5 more kgs!!

I reached what I think is known as the "bottle-neck of weight loss"…. OMG, I am so LOST!!!
